1ovmany Achieves Certified Carbon Neutral Business Status

1ovmany is a Certified Carbon Neutral Business. We have calculated and offset our total emissions with Carbon Neutral Britain, supporting Verified Carbon Offsetting projects around the world.

29 November 2022

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1ovmany is thrilled to announce its official certification as a Carbon Neutral Business, reinforcing its commitment to combating climate change and leading the charge towards a sustainable future.

In partnership with Carbon Neutral Britain, 1ovmany has successfully calculated and offset its total emissions, supporting essential Verified Carbon Offsetting projects worldwide.

Taking bold steps in the fight against climate change, 1ovmany has achieved the prestigious status of a Certified Carbon Neutral Business.

Recognizing the grave environmental challenges facing our planet, 1ovmany has taken proactive measures to address its carbon footprint, ensuring that it has a net-zero impact on the environment.

Partnering with Carbon Neutral Britain has allowed 1ovmany to undergo a meticulous carbon footprint assessment, taking into account emissions from all aspects of its operations.

This comprehensive evaluation has paved the way for the successful offsetting of emissions through the support of high-quality Verified Carbon Offsetting projects across the globe.

By investing in these projects, 1ovmany is contributing to critical initiatives that not only offset its carbon emissions but also have a tangible positive impact on the environment and local communities.

"We are proud to achieve the esteemed status of a Certified Carbon Neutral Business," said Taner Kapucu, Co-Founder and Co-CEO at 1ovmany. "At 1ovmany, we believe that taking responsibility for our carbon footprint is not just an obligation, but a fundamental commitment to the well-being of our planet and future generations.

By partnering with Carbon Neutral Britain and supporting verified offsetting projects, we are taking concrete steps to make a real difference in the global fight against climate change."

The certification marks a significant milestone in 1ovmany's ongoing sustainability journey.

While becoming a Carbon Neutral Business is a momentous achievement, 1ovmany is not resting on its laurels.

Instead, the company is reaffirming its dedication to continuous improvement in environmental practices.

1ovmany has committed to measuring and reducing its emissions each year, aiming to further minimize its carbon footprint and enhance its positive environmental impact.

In addition to its internal efforts, 1ovmany is dedicated to raising awareness about climate change and sustainability within its industry and among its stakeholders.

By leading through example, 1ovmany hopes to inspire others in the business community to take similar actions and collectively contribute to the urgent fight against climate change.

As the world faces unprecedented environmental challenges, 1ovmany firmly believes that the business community has a vital role to play in addressing climate change and fostering a greener, more sustainable future.

By becoming a Certified Carbon Neutral Business, 1ovmany is setting an exemplary standard for corporate responsibility, making a resounding statement that climate action is both essential and achievable.

1ovmany are a Certified Carbon Neutral Business certificate

1ovmany Communications Team

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1ovmany Communications Team

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